COVID-19 Pushes Half of Bangladesh's Poor People into Poverty in 2022

Published 2023 May 18 Thursday

Dhaka: A study by the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) has found that the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed half of Bangladesh's poor people into poverty in 2022.

The study, which was released on Wednesday, found that urban chronic poverty is still at a considerable level even in a growing megacity like Bangladesh's capital Dhaka. The study also found that a new social category is emerging as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, with about one-tenth of the urban population belonging to this category.

Experts have said that 50 years of Bangladesh's success in poverty alleviation has disappeared as at least 20 million people fell below the poverty line during the pandemic. They have also said that a significant share of 40 million people engaged in informal employment lost their jobs due to the pandemic and price hike of essentials amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The study has called on the government to take steps to address the issue of poverty in Bangladesh. The government has said that it is working on a number of initiatives to help the poor, including providing food and cash assistance, creating jobs, and improving access to healthcare.

The study has also called on the international community to provide assistance to Bangladesh in its efforts to address poverty. The international community has pledged to provide $5 billion in assistance to Bangladesh over the next five years.

The study has found that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on poverty in Bangladesh. The government and the international community need to work together to help the poor recover from the pandemic and build a more resilient economy.
